Saturday, May 23, 2015

UNIGIS Стипендии для России и СНГ!
Scholarships for UNIGIS MSc candidates

Институт Геоинформатики (Z_GIS) Университета Зальцбурга предлагает 10 неполных стипендий для дистантного онлайн обучения по программе UNIGIS для кандидатов из России и стран СНГ. UNIGIS программа в Зальцбурге приглашает вас подать заявку на стипендию, покрывающую около 60% от общей суммы оплаты за обучение (полная оплата за обучение 9800 Евро).

Следуя видению «Обучение ГИС профессионалов во всем мире», Магистерская программа UNIGIS высоко оценивается и широко признается как квалификационная программа на английском языке на базе высшего образования. Кандидатам из России и стран СНГ предлагается возможность консультации, руководство и поддержка на русском языке.

Заявки на стипендию будут оцениваться на основе имеющегося у кандидата образования, его детального мотивационного письма, даты поступления заявки и регионального разнообразия. Кандидаты должны отвечать всем требованиям по приему в Университет Зальцбурга. Последний срок подачи документов 10 сентя́брь 2015 года. Начало обучения - октябрь 2015 года.

Информационное видео
Дополнительная информацияhttp://salzburg.unigis.net

The University of Salzburg with its Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS is offering up to 10 partial scholarships for UNIGIS distance learning MSc students for students from Central Asia (and Russia). UNIGIS Salzburg is inviting applications for scholarships covering approx. 60% of the Euro 9800.- tuition fee.

Following the vision of 'Educating GIS Professionals Worldwide', the UNIGIS MSc degree is a highly regarded and widely acknowledged postgraduate qualification offered in English language. Candidates from the Russia / CIS region are offered the opportunity of Russian language consultation, guidance and support.

Applications for scholarships will be ranked based upon prior knowledge, a detailed letter of motivation, date of application and regional diversity. Applicants have to fulfill University of Salzburg admission requirements. Deadline for applications is September 10, the course will start in October 2015.

Info video
Details and 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

GISCA 2015: May 14-16, 2015 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The GIS in Central Asia Conference – GISCA 2015 ”Geospatial Management of Land, Water and Resources" was held in May 14-16, 2015 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The main objectives of this English language conference were to bring together GIS academics, researchers and practitioners from the Central Asian and other countries and to encourage international cooperation and knowledge exchange in GIS education and science. GISCA 2015 was locally organized by the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration (TIIM) within the EU Tempus GE-UZ project, jointly with the Austria-Central Asia Centre for GIScience (ACA*GIScience) and the Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), University of Salzburg, Austria. The conference is supported by Trimble, ESRI and media partners from the Geoinformatics industry. 

More than 150 participants from Austria, China, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden, UAE, UK, USA and Central Asian countries have enjoyed scientific research presentations and discussions, exchanged experiences and findings of international initiatives on GIS education and research. The cultural program  of the conference offered excursions to the ancient cities Samarkand and Bukhara, to the Aral Sea region and other historical and natural sites. Pre-conference workshops organized within the EU Tempus GE-UZ project were presented at GISCA 2015 by students of the Uzbekistan universities and trainers from EU institutions.

The 10th anniversary of the GISCA conferencedseries was celebrated and the valuable contribution of “GIS in Central Asia” conferences in educational and research cooperation in the region has been mentioned by the conference participants. Dr. Michael Gould, ESRI Global Education Manager has highlighted the importance of Geoinformatics in the social-economic development of countries in his keynote “GIS education to create the next generation of decision-makers”. Participants have expresses thanks to the local conference organizing team of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration for their hospitality and excellent facilities for this really international event.

The conference proceedings will be available on the official website ( soon and selected papers of the conference will be published in the special issue of the International Journal of Geoinformatics (

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

gSmart project meeting in Tashkent

The third and final 'face-to-face' project meeting of the EM scholarship mobility project 'gSmart' took place at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (NUU) on May 13, 2015.
The meeting had been dedicated to lessons learned in year 2 and quality assurance of mobility. Partners have stressed out their strong interest in ‘after’ project activities. Ms. Aziza Abdurakhmanova, Coordinator National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) in Uzbekistan gave an excellent insight into Uzbek project participation within the EU Tempus programme and provided very helpful information on possible project submissions within the new EU Erasmus+ programmes.
We are very grateful for the excellent meeting organization by Professor Eshkabul Safarov, Head of Department/Faculty of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of NUU. 

The final call for scholarship applications will start in September 2015, please get more information on the website: